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14 May 2024

NDL Pro Health sponsors the Rioja Bike Race 2024

NDL Pro Health continues to support the participants of the Bike Race Series by Octagon.

The participants of La Rioja Bike Race have reason to rejoice! After the great reception at Andalucía Bike Race, they can now boost their performance with NDL products, available at the refreshment posts and in the welcome pack.

NDL Pro-Health offers a range of food supplements aimed at those looking to build a routine of healthy habits to prolong their physical and mental wellbeing.
Each NDL Pro-Health product reflects a careful process to find the most suitable and balanced formula for each moment, combining the sporting expertise of legend Rafa Nadal with the scientific knowledge of Cantabria Labs.

This expertise is clearly reflected in the Performance and Recovery ranges. The Performance range products boost performance to achieve demanding goals, providing fast energy during training or racing.

NDL Pro-Health products are not just limited to time on the bike, but extend to the recovery period with the Recovery range, designed to help recover from intense training and daily stress.

La Rioja Bike Race




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